
Was Scrooge Selfish Or Greedy

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First, I would say Scrooge is selfish because he never gave out to those in need although it’s your choice to give out he never did.He was also greedy. And obnoxious I would say.He was greedy and obnoxious because when people were having exciting stuff to do he would be not festive but again it was his choice, I can’t blame him.He’s greedy because he loves his money and I think he hates spending it on “useless” things for example, homeless people and or charity’s.When Scrooge is with future he saw his grave and immediately begged for pardon. That’s where Scrooge changed his mind on being all the things I called Scrooge before he was kind.Scrooge also changed his mind probably to the fact that there was poor people and he hasn’t known how the

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