
Was Reconstruction A Success Or Failure Essay

Decent Essays

The Reconstruction had many good and bad qualities and many different people had separate views on whether it was a success or a failure. During the Reconstruction process, a lot of violence and issues erupted. This caused many problems for the US government. However,I believe that in the long run, Reconstruction has been more of a success than a failure, and has overall made the United States a better country. To begin on a positive note, the successes America gained were many. One of the greater successes was the restoration of the Union. After being separated for 4 years, this Reconstruction restored and reunified what is now the United States. This was a great success because this was one of the main goals of the Reconstruction. President Abraham Lincoln …show more content…

Restoring the South and trying to rebuild its place in the Union cost a lot of money which in turn, increased the amount of tax a person paid. This was considered a failure of Reconstruction because raising taxes caused many people to become upset and even more impoverished. As stated above, the US was experiencing a poverty crisis that proved to be another downside of Reconstruction. During this period, 3 anti-slavery amendments to the constitution were created and passed (numbers 13, 14 and 15) the 13th amendment in particular, completely forbade slavery “within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction." (13 amendment) This was extremely difficult for the South, because the plantation owners had invested so much into their

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