
How Successful Was Reconstruction Dbq

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Is Reconstruction Successful? How Do I Get Started? By: Delainey Cuatt. The Reconstruction Era was a period after the Civil War when the United States brought the South back into the Union after the Civil War. Bringing the Southern states came with many unfortunate problems that gave African Americans such a hard time mainly in the South, but partially in the North also! Some of the issues like Jim Crow laws and Black Codes greatly impacted African Americans because they wanted rights that had continuously been denied to them, they eventually got them in the 13-15th Amendments, but those Jim Crow laws and Black Codes restricted those rights—this unfortunate time of Reconstruction lasted from 1865 to 1877. Although the period stopped, the issues …show more content…

Document I shows a picture of the White League and the KKK, two white supremacy groups that wanted to restore slavery, and in the picture, it also shows the words “The Union as it Was” and “This is a White Man’s Government”. The picture also shows a family grieving and holding their deceased child, and behind them, a schoolhouse is burning/burnt down. There is also a scene of lynching/hanging happening, and we can infer that that would be an African American. This shows that the two groups used violence to restore “the Union as it was” and enjoyed the terrorism that they enforced upon the African American community. The social disadvantages of the community are similar to the economic state of the African Americans. Economic equality was not granted to African Americans. Sharecropping was a process in which a sharecropper would come to a landowner for land and seeds, and in return, the sharecropper would give the landowner half the crops. However, the sharecroppers needed tools so they could use credit to buy those items from the landowner's store. The sharecropper would plant, harvest, and sell their crops, and since they owed a debt they gave their earnings to the landowner to pay off the debt, but the

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