
Waiver Case Study

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The Basics
What is a waiver?
A waiver is a document recording the waiving of a right or claim. Basically, a waiver is a legal document that contains a promise not to sue someone else.

When should I use a waiver?
Waivers are required whenever a chapter sponsors or co-sponsors a risky or physical activity for two reasons. First, to make sure participants understand that they will be participating in a risky and potentially dangerous activity. Second, to protect the chapter and the Fraternity from the potential for lawsuits if someone were to be injured.

Examples of events that should have waivers include:
• Inflatables
• Color runs
• Obstacle courses
• Anything listed on the Risky Activities section of the Risk Management Procedures.

What if the person signing the waiver is a minor?
If a minor would like to participate in a chapter-sponsored activity that requires a waiver, her waiver should be co-signed by a parent or guardian. If she does not get the co-signature, she should not participate in the event.

How to Fill out the Waiver Template:
Make sure all participants provide the date as well as their name, signature and age.

Personalize the waiver with:
1. The name of the event
2. A description of the event
3. The event date
4. The name of the facility where the event will be held
5. The name of your chapter

Implementing Your Waiver:

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