
Waiting For Superman

Decent Essays

For the past decade, our country’s education system has reached a flat line in results. Studies show that the United States is the number one country in education spending in order to improve our results, but standardized test scores have plateaued. During President George W. Bush’s term, he initiated a program titled “No Child Left Behind.” No offense to President Bush, however his educational initiative is the most ironic title due to its produced results. So far, no state in our country has reached one hundred percent proficiency in mathematics and language arts and the system has gotten deficient and is failing the millennial generations. Education is a key component to success in our fast-paced society and our system needs to change, for …show more content…

After watching “Waiting For Superman” (2010), my view on education changed seeing that: 1. My place in education is phenomenal in comparison to my counterparts in other states, 2. Teachers are also the cause of the system’s faults, and 3. Change is needed, but nothing works. The term “dropout factories” was coined in that documentary, where more than half of a high school’s population would drop out between sophomore and junior year. Seeing that students who were entering the 11th grade with a 4th grade reading comprehension shocked me and made me question why they did not receive any additional help. It turns out that the resources they needed were unavailable due to budget cuts and raised a few questions: If the United States are number one in education spending and our country faces budget cuts, where is that money going? Where are the resources to help struggling students? Why are the students being pressured to work under the corrupt system that clearly is not …show more content…

My peers and past teachers would agree that I had not been affected by the system, but what matters to me is the performance of my peers in the classes of 2018 and above and the hopefully upward trend of improvement. I concede that lessons I learned in school helped me improve my critical thinking and academic schools, but it helped build my character. I appreciate the education I received, but I do believe we need change because one success story cannot compare to thousands of children who the system failed. America, we need to fix something

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