
Essay on Visual Acuity as a Function of Retinal Eccentricity

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Visual Acuity Measured as a Function of Retinal Eccentricity
Visual acuity is a measure of an observer’s ability to see fine spatial detail (Cavonius & Schumacher, 1966). There are a number of factors that affect visual acuity, such as illumination and contrast, and various ways to measure it (Kalloniatis & Luu, 2005). One way to measure visual acuity is through target detection which requires the perception of the orientation of a stimulus such as a Landolt C or a Snellen E (Kalloniatis & Luu, 2005). The participant in the current experiment was referred to have their acuity tested. Target detection of a stimulus was used to measure the participant’s visual acuity as a function of retinal eccentricity of the target. …show more content…

The height and width of this optotype is designed to be five times the thickness of the stroke width and gap width, therefore the size of each critical detail is 1/5th of the overall height (Kalloniatis & Luu, 2005). Four stimulus sizes were used in the experiment as visual acuity was to be tested at four eccentricities (0˚, 20˚, 40˚ and 60˚). These four stimulus sizes were calculated using the approximate minimum angle of resolution (MAR) of each eccentricity obtained from Millodot et al.’s (1975) normal data. This value was then used to find the gap size and hence the stimulus size using a distance of 600cm. The reason for using the distance value of 600cm was because it is close to the threshold and therefore would be the starting point of stimulus presentation for each of the eccentricities. The formula used was: gap size = 600*tan(MAR˚) ˃˃ size = 5 (600*tan(MAR˚))
The stimulus sizes (and critical feature sizes) calculated and used for the eccentricities 0˚, 20˚, 40˚ and 60˚ were 0.9cm (0.18cm), 2.2cm (0.44cm), 6.13cm (1.23cm) and 17.5cm (3.5cm) respectively.
As already stated, it was decided by the experimenter to test visual acuity at the following eccentricities: 0˚, 20˚, 40˚ and 60˚. Measuring the MAR at each of these eccentricities would give a good indication of where the participant’s visual acuity measure lies in comparison to normal data. Exact vertical and horizontal

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