
Cortical Visual Impairment

Decent Essays

Some of the issues that plague individuals with cortical visual impairment are losses within central and/or peripheral vision, inability to perceive depth, sensitivity to light, color or contrast and frustration. Research by Roman, Baker-Nobles, Dutton, Luiselli, Flener, Jan, Lantzy, Matsuba, Mayer, Newcomb, & Nielson states that ‘CVI should be defined, albeit arbitrarily, by a reduction in visual acuity, in the visual fields, or in a child’s ability to see compared to other children of the same age.” (Roman, Baker-Nobles, Dutton, Luiselli, Flener, Jan, Lantzy, Matsuba, Mayer, Newcomb, & Nielson, 2010) When an individual has CVI they usually rely more on their peripheral vision than their central vision. Most of the items we see require some

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