
Virgin Birth Research Paper

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A virgin birth is also known as parthenogenesis, and it was only documented among captive animals, perhaps by the stress, or isolation. Scientifics discovered that the virgin birth occur in 70 different species such as amphibians, reptiles, cartilaginous, bony fish and birds but the reasons aren’t quite understandable. Scientifics after finding out about the virgin birth they started thinking if the animals have done this millions of year ago. A question that hasn’t been answered is, “ Why among vertebrates, can fish, reptiles and birds have virgin births, but mammals, including humans, seemingly cannot?” The first animal to have a virgin birth was the 6m long phyton call Thelma according to the scientists. She had made eggs without the need of a male sperm or DNA. She used a method call polar body, this object is the same as sperm. Each of her offspring have two copies of her chromosomes, they were called “half-clones of Thelma” at the first article. Even though Thelma and her offsprings are special they are not far from being like any other animal. Another weird type of virgin birth was when a bonnethead sharks gave birth to a healthy pup who was later killed by another fish. The scientist assume that the bonnethead sharks had stored the …show more content…

The lizard gave virgin birth to 11 eggs, but only 8 seem to be developing normally. They were in different Zoos, at the time researchers speculate that the giant lizards could of change from sexual to asexualreproduction, they found the way to clone themselves without a male. After this was documented, scientists reported about the snakes. Reports show that reptiles can hold on to sperm for several years, so initially researchers considered that the lizard’s eggs had a father. After this happened scientifics recommended that the species should not be isolated, they started to be afraid that they will start to clone

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