
Why Do Children Be Allowed To Play Violent Video Games

Decent Essays

Many times, I have walked into a room watching children play video games, but not just any video game, but specifically violent video games. In which they feature endless shooting, blood and gore splattering the screens, drugs, sexual violence towards women, criminal behavior, and obscene language. According to the Education Week Magazine, “Two-thirds of all households in the US have at least one video gamer, and 97% of kids ages 2-17 are already playing video games, with an average of over 11 hours a week.” Some of the most popular violent video games today include, Grand Theft Auto and Call of Duty. Children who frequently play violent video games are more likely to become passive aggressive and view violence as a solution to problems; therefore, young children should not be allowed to play violent video games.
In our society today, video games are designed so well and made so realistically. The creators make them feel, sound, and look like a real life situation. For example Grand Theft Auto, is designed to give you the freedom to do illegal activities in a city without consequences and the worst part is you get rewarded for this unacceptable behavior. Forbes Magazine explains Grand Theft Auto,“We can drive through stop lights, mow over civilians, crash and die and start over, get in ridiculous gunfights and still walk away on two feet. Or even just go shopping, or play golf, or hunt. We are given a vast canvas of possibilities, and the freedom to pretend to break bad in

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