
Video Game Consoles Evolution

Satisfactory Essays

Did video game consoles gradually evolve over time, or was it an abrupt evolution? Currently there are only three companies producing home video game consoles, which are Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft and they had to fight to get to where they are. Is there a certain formula a company must follow to become successful in this business or were they just lucky? This paper will look at the evolution of home video game consoles over time, starting with the first home video game console in the 1970s to current day consoles. I surmise that there are certain characteristics that companies with successful video game consoles have over others. I also surmise that because of the available technology at the time that video games consoles will be grouped …show more content…

With my null-hypothesis being, there will be no correlation between the year a video game console is released. and others with similar release dates. My second hypothesis is, if a company is to succeed in building video game consoles, then each of these company’s consoles will have similar traits. With a my null-hypothesis being, there will be no correlation between the traits of failed companies video game consoles, and that of companies with successful video game consoles. The meteoric rise of video gaming has created a phenomenon that does not appear to be stopping any time soon. A brief history of home video game consoles is a must when it comes to understanding them. There are currently 3 companies manufacturing video game consoles. This study will utilize phylogenetics to test the evolutionary validity over time of video game consoles “Just as biologists use phylogenetic methods to reconstruct evolutionary relationships between species, in recent years several groups of cultural evolution researches have shown that phylogenetic methods can also be usefully applied to cultural phenomena to reconstruct evolutionary relationships between different culturally transmitted artifacts, behavioral practices, and languages.”

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