
Valley Of The Kings Research Paper

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In this paper it will show more about The Valley of the Kings. In the first paragraph it will talk about what the Valley of the Kings is and how it became popular. In the second paragraph it will talk about why it is considered the gateway to the afterlife . In the third paragraph it will talk about who and why they chose the valley that they did. The toumbs them self are very large and intricate and have many things in them and included with them. The reason why the valley of the kings ever got popular was because during 1539-1075 B.C the valley became a burial ground for Pharos, Queens, High priests, and other elites of the 18th, 19th, and 20th dynasties. Along with their large tombs they had pets and other riches stored with them.” The underground tombs were also well stocked with all the material goods a ruler might need in the next world. Treasures—like the golden masks found with King Tut—are dazzling, but the tombs also contained the more mundane."They included furniture, clothes (even underwear), and jewelry. It's curious that we have no books—from Tut at least," says Salima Ikram, a professor of Egyptology at American University in Cairo and a National Geographic grantee. …show more content…

They also put loved pets.”Even favored companions."[We find] pets buried nearby," Ikram says. "Hunting dogs, pet baboons, and gazelles." - Brian Handwerk National

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