
Vaccination Argumentative Essay

Decent Essays

United States vaccination rates seem adequate at first glance, however, a closer look reveals the truth. In general, vaccinations for children entering into kindergarten is over 90% for majority of the ones that doctors recommend. With a closer look though, there were significant local variations. Only about 52% of kindergarteners and 4% of sixth graders were sufficiently immunized against pertussis for the 2010-2011 school year in Washington State’s San Juan County. With no surprise, the county had one of the state’s highest pertussis rates. With these facts, some parents feel that vaccinations are not good. They argue that they can cause serious and sometimes fatal side effects, that they contain harmful ingredients and that vaccines are unnatural, and natural immunity is more effective than vaccination. Supporters of vaccinations feel that vaccines can save children's lives, the …show more content…

Child vaccinations are necessary to maintain the health and wellbeing of children and society as a whole.
Individuals that feel that vaccinating their children is unnecessary hold some very strong arguments. One controversial topic is that vaccines can cause serious and sometimes fatal side effects. All vaccinations carry a risk for serious allergic reactions according to the CDC. The rotavirus vaccination can cause extreme bowel blockage that can require hospitalization in babies. The CDC has also stated that pneumonia can be caused by the chickenpox vaccine. According to the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), vaccines may be linked to learning disabilities, asthma, autism, diabetes, chronic inflammation, and other disabilities. Another disputable topic is that vaccines contain harmful ingredients. Thimerosal, an organic mercury compound found in trace amounts in one flu

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