
Uv Radiation Lab Report

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Uv radiation is damaging to the cells that are in our body. There are three types of UV radiation lengths; UV-A, UV-B and UV-C. UV-A and B can have the most damaging effects when it is exposed to soft tissue such as a person’s eyes and/or skin causing premature aging and possibly cancer (2). The use of sunscreen among other items are used to limit the exposure to the radiation. In this experiment wild type yeast was exposed to UV radiation in different time sequences. Yeast was incorporated into this experiment because their genome is similar to the human genome. Yeast can also give insight to basic human diseases because they are easily manipulated. In a previous experiment like this one stated below, wild type yeast was exposed to UV radiation and the results shown that the longer the exposure to radiation the less percent survival there is.
The experiment was recreated but the use of saran wrap was placed over the petri dishes. Saran wrap was decided because of its refractive properties. The notion was, the more layers or saran wrap added, then the survivability of yeast will improve.
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Inoculation of each plate was done one by one by adding 100ul of the diluted yeast onto each plate and spreading it around. For the experimental group cling wrap was used in a series of layers ranging from one layer, two layer and three layer. The yeast plates were then transferred to the transilluminator and exposed to the UV radiation in intervals of 20, 30 and 40 seconds for the first experiment and 10, 15, and 20 seconds for the second experiment. The control group was inoculated in the same manner as the experimental. They too were wrapped in cling wrap, however they were not exposed to the UV

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