
Extrinsic Skin Aging

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There are many reasons the skin gradually ages, including the natural aging process where skin becomes thin and more susceptible to gravity and genetics. This is called intrinsic aging and is unavoidable. However, there are extrinsic reasons why the skin ages and the ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun account for 80 percent of extrinsic skin ageing according to studies reported in the Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigatory Dermatology medical journal.

It is well documented that UV exposure is a threat to healthy skin. According to the World Health Organization, it is a known carcinogenic to humans. This means it has been scientifically proven that skin cancer may develop after the skin has been exposed to the sun.

Ultraviolet radiation is found in sunlight. It is classified into UVA and UVB. Both of these contribute to premature aging in the skin and can be avoided by the use of protective clothing, hats and sunscreen. The first sign that the skin has been affected is a sunburned or even tanned skin. However, there is also damage that cannot be seen. The DNA in the skin cells is also damaged, so the cells no longer have their protective function. …show more content…

If your skin is regularly exposed to sunlight, and you do not use necessary protection, your skin will lose the ability to repair itself. The damage starts in children and accumulates over time. The older you get, the more susceptible to sun damage your skin is. Not only is the DNA affected, but the sun also breaks down collagen, which is an important connective tissue in the skin, and impairs the skin from producing new collagen. Without the connective tissue, the skin becomes weak and inflexible, so gravity has a greater impact and the skin ages prematurely very

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