
Utopia : a Perfect Place?

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Utopia :often Utopia An ideally perfect place, especially in its social, political, and moral aspects, and an impractical, idealistic scheme for social and political reform. Each person has their own vision of utopia, the above sentance is Oxford's Dictionary's definition of it. Utopia means an ideal state, a paradise, a land of enchantment. It has been a central part of the history of ideas in Western Civilization. Philosophers and writers continue to imagine and conceive plans for an ideal state even today. They use models of ideal government to express their ideas on contemporary issues and political conditions. Man has never of comparing the real and ideal, actuality and dream, and the stark facts of human condition and hypothetical …show more content…

They have selected to voice their opinions in anti-utopian novels, or dystopia. A dystopia is simply the reverse of a utopia. For example, in Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451, the world in which Montag lives in is supposed to be a utopia, which he believes at first, but in the end, realises that it was quite the opposite, a dystopia. A world where any form of literature is seen as the most disgusting thing in the world, where people have no emotion, no individuality, no "real" love". I would be repeating myself if I talked about Harrison Bergeron, where communism is taken to the extreme, to change the world to being exactly the same. A world where everyone is ugly, everyone is stupid, everyone is absolutely horrible at evrything, but thats the thing, how can someone be horrible at something, if you aren't compared to some one better. Another great example is George Orwell's Animal Farm, which is obviously a direct parallel to the Russian Revolution. A horse dreamt up a utopia, a world of equality, where all the animals lived in peace. Once again, in the end, the farm is in complete dystopia in the end. So why does utopia seem to always end in dystopia. Well it's really quite simple. The reason that these attempts at utopia have failed is the same reason why they will all fail in the future. It is human nature to seek perfection and because of human limitations, we set ourselves up for failure. By trying to create a utopia, there will always

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