
Harrison Bergeron Research Paper

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The definition of a utopia is an ideal place or state. The definition of a utopia is perfect, but can utopias good in real life? I believe that utopias are not perfect or ideal in real life. I believe this, because they can become dystopias over time and they can change over time. Also utopias are usually meant to please only one person or a small group of people. These reasons supports the idea that utopias are bad in real life.
One of the main reasons why I believe that utopias are bad is that they can easily become dystopias. Dystopias are the opposite of perfect or ideal. “Harrison Bergeron” is a story about a utopia that turns into a dystopia. In the story, “Harrison Bergeron”, the government requires their people to wear masks, handicaps, and weights. These items make everyone equal to each other, but his …show more content…

His dad wants to take off some of the weights, because they are very heavy. He cannot take of the weights because of his handicaps, which makes his brain unable to think and understand thoughts. This shows how a utopia can become a dystopia.
Utopias change a lot over time. This is a reason why utopias are bad in real life. The book
“Animal Farm” shows how this is possible. “Animal farm” is about a utopia, called Animal Farm, made for and by animals. Animal farm has a set of rules, called the seven commandments, which controls it. Over time the pigs, who controls everything that happens, slowly corrupts the rules. This causes their utopia to change greatly.
Another reason why utopias are bad, is that they are only made to please a few people. This causes utopias to be very corrupt. The book “House of the Scorpion” is an example of this. In “House of the Scorpion”, El patrón creates a utopia for himself. His utopia is created to remind him of old childhood village. He makes his utopia perfect for himself, but for no one else. El patrón’s utopia

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