
Utilitarianism, By Jeremy Bentham And John Stewart Mill 's The Principle Of Utility

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1. Utilitarianism is a consequential theory by not only a matter of what we are capable of emotionally doing but to also do a matter of what we ought to do rationally. Actions to benefit the majority to maximize happiness for the greater of good of people and minimize unhappiness. Utilitarian is a hard universal theory for the universal moral code that applies to everyone to maximize happiness and minimize misery or unhappiness for the great of good. In the matter in which peoples consequences are cause not by actions. Two of the well-known philosophers Jeremy Bentham and John Stewart Mill’s understand the principle of utility in their own ways. For Jeremy Bentham moral theory he founded that the consequences of human actions count in evaluating in what kind of consequence to what matter for human happiness is just an achievement of pleasure to avoid pain. Bentham argues that the value of a human being action is easily calculated by how intensely pleasure is felt and how long the pleasure lasts to how certainly and how quickly it follows upon the performance of the action taken place for the person. It matters to an account of how to value life in every action the human does to avoid harm to themselves or others. Bentham also used the hedonistic calculus a method of working out the greatest amount of possible alternatives choices in terms of the amount of pleasure to gain and to avoided pain. As Mills theory is an extended explanation of utilitarian moral theory to an effort

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