
Video Mapping Essay

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In this report I am going to be discussing different types of digital technology, all of which have majorly evolved in recent years, and are always being used in today’s events industry. Examples of digital technologies include: video mapping, podcasts, lighting and sounds. In this report I am going to focus on the evolution of video mapping and social media, and how it is used within different types of events.

What is Video Mapping?

Video mapping is projecting a video onto a 3D object (i.e. a building). It creates an interactive show, which engages the audience. Video mapping has hugely developed in recent years, with new technologies allowing more and more opportunities for …show more content…

In the 1960’s, the first ever email was sent, and this was where online social media began to commence. Although the first recognisable social media website was called Six Degrees, and was not created until 1997. This allowed users to design a profile and chat with other users on the site – however, two years on, in 1999, the first blogging sites started to become popular, which is what started the social media sites that we know today. This lead to social media exploding in popularity, and next is how social media has evolved.

In the early 2000’s, MySpace became increasingly popular and in 2005 YouTube was created. This was a huge advance in technology, as it allowed users an entirely different and new way for people to share videos globally. A year on, Facebook and Twitter were introduced, and are still the most popular social networking websites. After this, many different social media sites began to surface – Tumblr, Pinterest, Instagram and Spotify, to name a few.

Facebook, being the most popular, has over 24 million active users per day, which is 37.5% of the population. The beauty of social media is that users have an environment where they can share posts, photos, videos, and even music to people around the world instantly. Social media is evolving

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