
Unknown American Immigrants

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They are willing to put their lives on the line, and leave everything they had a relationship with behind, in hopes of perusing a satisfying life, as Alma states on page 3 “To eat good food,to sleep at night,to smile,to laugh,and to be well”. They are immigrants. The Book Of Unknown Americans has given me a new perspective of Immigrants. The risks they haul, The struggles they witness and endure trying to start a new life, and adjusting to the new lifestyle. “Its a simple routine,” as many illegal immigrants are told, when crossing the border. Immigrants start to realize the higher risks involved once they kickoff on their journey. The Rivera’s were packed in one truck, where they could’ve encountered many complication, something little as: starvation and dehydration, with limited amount of money they had in their pockets.But the bigger risk is trying not to get caught on the way to their destination,risking all their money they had spent trying to flea from their country. Illegal immigrants risk everything for an aspiration of a satisfying life. …show more content…

One of the biggest challenge and hurdle immigrants face is the language barrier.In The Book Of Unknown Americans Alma encounters a situation where she gets lost and becomes desperate to go back home.Crying for help over the phone, but no reply. This makes her realize the importance of the English language,from that point she starts to carry a dictionary for help. Jobs could be another issue where language barrier may intervene.The Book of Unkonwn Americans demonstrates how harsh and crucial Arturo’s job conditions are.If the language barrier wasn't a factor, Aurtho could've had a job where the conditions were not as harsh. language is exposed everywhere, immigrants try to learn and familiarize with common phrases and words that may help them in the future and eventually overcome the language

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