“PI” Assignment 1. Max makes certain statements and claims to belief, which he repeats many times. First, Math (number) is the language of the universe. Second, Nature can be expressed in these numbers. Third, if you graph (or otherwise represent) these numbers, patterns will emerge. Fourth, if you can discover these patterns, you can find the key to understanding the apparent chaos, and you can predict everything. What is your opinion of Max’s core beliefs? Do they really apply to the universe? Could a mathematical pattern be something like the DNA if the universe? Max’s beliefs cannot be valid in terms of defining the universe. If mathematics would be able to create patterns that can help to understand the universe it would have helped solve …show more content…
Faith comes in, as a person believes that there is a number that can solve almost everything from religion to the stock market. People therefore have a belief of a certain particular number, which can help them sought out problems especially the Rabbis who deal are looking for a key, which is associated with the 216-digit number. 3. The complete title of the film is “Pi: Faith in Chaos”. How does the concept of chaos apply to the film? The film has much chaos especially those related with the uncertainty of various issues like the state of the stock market. Chaos are present in the world especially where people are uncertain about various things. The Rabbis do not have the answer to where the key was and the businesspersons require the code to predict the stock market. The many chaos in the movie are thus brought about by lack of a solution, which most people think is in the 216 numbers that have not been found fully. 4. Suppose that there is a mathematical pattern that allows one to comprehend the order of the universe. How would that impact the question of free will and
Happy New Year … I’ve just returned to the office and read the ETO & TEGL on high risk grants. Before, I submit a response to the SIMS, I wanted to run my thoughts by you to see if I’m overlooking anything.
On July 11, 2015 at approximately 1140 hrs I dispatched to Police Headquarters for a report of domestic violence.
the sermon from Sunday, but wanted to know the title. I explained to the caller I did not have the title for that Sermon on WSPA at this time and could give him the church number to further assist him with that. Also, I explained to him I could order that local sermon from Sunday, July 5th on CD with no problem. Caller went ahead and just placed the order.
One of the assignment I chose for math was a test. I chose this assignment because one of the hardest test †hey I have ever done. Even though received a C I am still proud of it because for me it was a challenge. The assignment was about “Linear Equations, Getting m & b and Scatter Plots. The problems that are in the test is for number seven which is about how the given data represents a linear function and to complete the table of solutions and write equation. That is part of the test questions that I had for this test which at first did not know what to at first so it came back to my head and got the answer correct. The point of this assignment was to get it done at the time it was giving in which I did not completed. Even though
Unlike the others who are locked in a marathon of emotion. Bobby, the high school playboy with the Brad Pitt looks and the Casanova charm remains calm. He is waiting in the car with Maureen the Ann Frances replica, and last of an endangered species. This only means, that she has not allowed any guy to get to the plate, let alone to first base. However, despite her stellar reputation the two of them seem to be spending their time just fine, wanting the others to leave so they can be alone.
1. Weather is the current state of the atmosphere. Climate is the long-term weather conditions for an area or region. Some examples of weather will be tornadoes, hurricanes and flooding. When it comes to climate common examples will be tropical, polar, marine, and Mediterranean. The difference between weather and climate is that climate is a long-term weather. We can say that climate is like the “official” weather of the region or country. For example, in Dominican Republic, our climate is tropical. On the other hand, weather is the current situation on the region or country.
After the school approved this research, all three teachers of 433 math were contacted for the possibility of the study being conducted in their classrooms. All three happily agreed to take part in this study. Approximately, three days before data collection, the teachers passed out an Opt-Out form (see Appendix I) to the students. This form allowed the students and their parents to choose not to participate in the study. All students who do not return the form participated in the Do-Now. The teacher received a manila folder with two different variations of the Do-Now, fluent and disfluent (see Appendix II and III). The folder contained the exact number of papers as students in the class. Within the folder, there was an equal number of fluent
You say that “The main issues that are to be addressed when dealing with the homeless youth are their concerns as a whole meaning what they believe should be addressed”. What are these issues? I think it may be helpful to define homeless youth with an age range and then include data telling the percentage of people within that age range who are homeless. Also are you targeting homeless youth or homeless children, or both? The reader wants to know why the project is relevant. In order to determine relevance the problem clearly defined and data needs to be used to support the
The fifth question, “How do we account for the fact that mathematics is so effective in describing the natural world,” sixth question, “How can we be sure about what we know?,” third question, “What is truth?”, and the fourth question, “What is beauty? Is mathematics beautiful?” , are the four out of
Matthew is a conscientious, hard-working student. He has been very dedicated this year to learning each topic in the course especially programming. This level of commitment will no doubt give great dividends in the future. He is very good at meeting deadlines, and he always does his work to a high standard. All he needs now to gain endorsement in this subject is complete the externally marked Computer Science report to a high standard.
Genetics and DNA provide the structure for living and in a social context in our everyday experiences in the world. By giving us a better understanding on describing human evolution. I believe that both genetics and DNA has challenged my conception of what it means to be human. The reason being is that throughout time science has been able to use technology that allows people to use genetics and DNA to create what they would call a “perfect human”. By that I mean a couple who is unable to conceive can get to a sperm bank and literally pick and choose how they want their child to look like. Another thing science has been able to do is cloning of others.
III. Mass Transportation- Encourage usage of mass transportation to improve air quality and traffic congestion.
I’m always fascinated by the stories of successful entrepreneurs such as Jack Ma, the founder of Alibaba and Elon Musk the founder of Tesla and Space X. It is not only because of they are famous but also because they found their investors who contribute to their success and have the right to take part of it. The curiosity of finance drags me into the field of commerce and investment. Finance, a comprehensive study, requires the ability of mathematics and understanding of the economic environments which are my two favorite subjects since I was in year 11. I got my first chance to access to the field of finance in 2017 through two internships: at China Everbright Bank and Nuoyuan Holdings, a subsidiary of Hanfor Holdings. Getting to
The internal factors to be considered when planning the human resource requirements for an organisation are the internal planning force, demands for products/services, technological change, skill requirements, workforce profiles (age, gender, ethnicity, ability) and new markets. Internal planning factors are within the business to help the organisation change to cope with new methods of work or new demands; it may be the business is being introduced to new technology or new product lines. Also it maybe developing new skill so that the workforce can work more efficiently.
Taking on the role as a teacher puts me in a leadership role. I chose for my artifact the ESO online training from Mr. Moss, EDEE 4330 Math class. Math seems to be the subject across the board most people is afraid of, but the ESO training provided fatal information for student’s success. I understand that I am responsible for setting an example for my students that I would be proud of them to emulate. I would love for my students to follow in my footprints and make a difference in others’ lives. It has been said, “it takes a village to raise a child”, and I know that I can be most effective when I reach out to families, colleagues, and the community, to employ the approach. It takes all that to raise well-adjusted productive members of our community, being it locally or