
Unit 9 P2 Health And Social Care Study

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because they cant afford that extra care to look after them. It can also mean that cultural needs are not met. Someone from a different culture will have different dietary needs, if there is not much money, other options of food might not be bought. This could also mean that prayer mats are not bought, leading to loss of rights to someone who is unable to fulfil their cultural needs. If there is not much money, then there may be less staff to look after everyone, meaning there will be a lower standard of care given. Not only this, as there may be lots of patients and not many staff, guidelines might not be followed and needs will not be met. This can be overcome by a fund raising event at Peacehaven which could help raise money and ensure the …show more content…

You must not rush around trying to complete tasks as this may lead to poor care. If a patient does not have a good standard of care this is a breach of rights meaning that anti-discriminatory practice can not be for seen. It is vital that you take your time to ensure the standard of care is achieved. If you working in Peacehaven then it is likely that the patients cant rush around so you will need to be patient when working and communicating with them. It is important to take in consideration the health status of some patients. If they feel pushed by you this could mean they no longer want you to be caring for them. If there is a lack of time, then lunch times could end up being shortened which could result in certain individuals not finishing their lunch, which may lead to poor health. If you are rushing around trying to complete things quicker you could make a mistake. When working in health and social care settings, medication may need to be administered, if rushed, the wrong dose could be given or the wrong drug could be taken. This could have serious effects to that individual so it is important to ensure you have enough time to complete certain tasks. A way to overcome this barrier is to use staff development or continued professional development sessions. This is a good way to help staff members make time in their day to day routine, meaning more time for patients. This may also benefit them as it will not only teach them how to make time, but to show them how to use that time more wisely by showing them how to plan effectively. Another way to free up more time would be to employ more staff members. This is another good idea as it will free up time and ease the load from the other colleagues. Overworking may cause stress so if any worker is overworking, this could mean they aren't doing their job as effectively. To help understand where all the time is going, it might be effective for the staff members

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