
Unit 5 Health And Social Care P4

Decent Essays

As a healthcare assistant of the Establishment A, I am totally committed to promoting the rights and needs of the individuals that use our service; always treating them with respect; regarding the things most significant to them whilst holding their uniqueness in high regard. By directly working with them, I earned their trust and accepted as a reliable member of staff who has proven an understanding of the ways in each user communicates, and where applicable, promote and express their views and concerns verbally or by non-verbal means e.g. writing a report, team meeting, support plans and care reviews. Having been given the responsibility by my Service Manger to participate in developing a care review and subsequently updating Miss Y's support plan. I began the process of by re-familiarising myself …show more content…

Mrs. Jones can convey her preferences verbally as a ‘yah’ or ‘no’. One effect of this authority struggle is that Mrs. Jones will be urine incontinence. Some practitioner has expressed the opinion that Mrs. Jones patterns is behavioural and she is attempting to influence or manipulate a situation as a means of ‘attention seeking’. I have often reflected on this dilemma and raised a concern. My theory was that Mrs. Jones needs to feel her control over her life and we as her carer should be looking at ways to promote this in a substantial manner. One thing I observed was, when a care staff and Mrs. Jones were planning future events, the care staff would say things like ‘we can talk about it more next week when we know more of it.’ A week past by and Mrs. Jones had received no update on the outcome and subsequently appeared despondent and as a means of bringing to the attention of support staff displayed behaviour that challenged. It is for this reason that I am open in my communications and approach to the evaluation of the findings all of which is healthy for the service's

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