Unit 4222-324 – Support individuals with specific communication needs.
Kate Wilson
Outcome 1 – understand specific communication needs and factors affecting them.
1.1 – Explain the importance of meeting an individual’s communication needs?
Individuals that have communication problems need help and support to enable them to express themselves in the way they want, it’s important that you find out the best way for the individual to communicate for example it may be through sign language or writing what they want to say down on paper, you must respect their preferred method of communication as it is everyone’s human right to communicate and not allowing them to do so is stopping them from expressing their options and rights.
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You may be working with doctors or speech therapists.
2.2 – contribute to identifying the communication methods or aids that will best suit the individual.
As some peoples communication can change day to day due to medical or physical conditions you can help to identify the best methods to suit them by monitoring them and reporting what you find to your manager they can then put in place aids or different methods that will best suit the individual. Also they will be able to set up meetings with the appropriate people e.g. speech therapist.
2.3 – Explain how and when to access information and support about identifying and addressing specific communication needs.
You can access the service users care plan this will help you to identify any specific needs that they may have, you can then give them the support that is needed to deliver the best possible care
Outcome 3 – Be able to interact with individuals using their preferred communication.
3.1 - Prepare the environment to facilitate communication.
You can find out how the individual feels more comfortable, it could be one to one or they may prefer to be in a group. Make sure there is not a lot of background noise and distractions have a good seating arrangement where you can see and hear each other without having things in the way and so you don’t have to shout to hear each
Review the range of groups and individuals whose communication needs must be addressed in own job role.
2.3 explain how effective communication may have a positive impact on lives of individuals with sensory loss.
Augmentative communication is another way to help with their language disorders. This may be using computers or hand help devices. Picture communication can also be used. Augmentative communication is often used with people who have disabilities
An individual’s background can influence their communication methods in many ways. Such as the way someone has been brought up, their different values in life, their relationships with family members. These can all be a factor to how they communicate with others. These factors can effect communication because if their relationships have been quite hard and they do not see their own families much, the individual will find it difficult to trust and open up to the care managers at the nursing home. This will make it hard for the care managers to get to know the real them and it will be difficult to recognize any problems that appear. Also it depends what the individual’s medical history is. They could be on a type of medication which effects there communication. They could suffer from having dementia or a stroke, there for this can effort your communication massively. With all three factors you might have to use simple sentences or even using picture cards as the individual might find it easier to understand what you’re
Therefore every care practitioner should endeavour to promote theses rights when dealing with services users and their relatives. Furthermore, it is crucial for service users to understand that any information they give will be with strict confidentiality. It is a legal requirement for health and social care services to keep personal data confidential.
Before I proceed with Mr H's care I check his care plan where it is documented how he likes to be communicated with. Any changes to Mr H's communication ability should be reported and documented straight onto a daily diary sheet and into his careplan where other staff members are able to see the changes noted.
A. It is important to observe an indviduals reactions when communicating to gauge how people are feeling in the situation. Some people may have barriers when it comes to communicating such as personal space issues. It is imperitive to make the client feel as comfortable as possible when communicating, if the person looks to be feeling uncomfortable with how you are communicating they may not be taking in the information you are giving them putting them at potential risk or if it is the client that is giving the information they may be holding something back again putting them at risk.
There are many barriers and reasons on why the communication is not effective, one of these being disabilities. Disabilities are a big barrier within communication this is when you need to change the way you communicate to meet the needs of the service user. The service user in the home could be deaf; if he/she is deaf it is pointless speaking to the person as they won’t understand you. There is no point in raising your voice or speaking clearer to try and make the person understand. You will need to change the way you communicate sign language is a way you can communicate with the person. Deaf people have no problem talking with people who also communicate by BSL. So when in the home if a person is deaf and you cannot communicate with them as you don't sign find someone that does. Residents in the home might also have sensory impairments meaning they might not be able to see, this is when we would use Braille to communicate.
1.1 Review the range of groups and individuals whose communication needs must be addressed in own role.
There are times when we need to adapt our communication style to meeting the needs of individuals and use aids to help them enhance their communication.
[Describe in a short paragraph how, in a recent conversation, your communication behavior contributed to your physical, relational, identity, spiritual, and instrumental needs. Which need or need took precedence? Why? Page 9]
As a professional, it is my responsibility to make sure that my communication skills meet the needs of the people I support. I should not expect people to adjust their communication to fit in with me. The best way to find out about what individuals want and need, of course, is to ask. The individuals concerned are always my first and best source of information about their needs and the best way to meet them. But asking is not always possible. I can discover some information about communication needs, wishes and preferences by observing someone or by talking with other colleagues who have worked with the person previously and by talking to family or friends. They are likely to have a great deal of information about the communication needs are for the individual. They will have developed ways of dealing with communication, possibly over a long period of time, and are likely to be a very useful source of advice and help.
If a condition or impairment develops suddenly, you’ll need to re-evaluate your methods of communication with that person. It might feel strange at first, but you might need to consider your tone of voice, how quickly you speak and how you use body language and gestures to emphasise what you are saying. It’s a good idea to express this to the person you care for and find out what helps them or makes your communication clearer.
If people don't communicate well they limit their ability to connect on any meaningful level which can create conflict. Depending on the position in workplace, others will have expectations of how an individual should communicate with others. It is important that for any employee show respect to those he or she works with. The general social care council’s code of practice states that communications should be conducted in an appropriate, open, accurate and straightforward way. By communicating in this way others will have trust and confidence in any employee and their abilities. Workplace relationships become a lot stronger when people can clearly and effectively communicate what they need and allow others to do the same.
Everyone needs educating and supporting including myself when looking at the individuals preferred method of communication, and everyone in the above list can give valid input in assessing for example swallowing by the speech therapists. This can include communication with the RN, GP for referral, to speaking with the catering chef and carers. By doing this with effective communication and documenting accurately we can ensure that everyone’s input is maximized and as well as being written and passed on verbally it is put into practice. This results in the clients personalized care needs being met