Diploma level 2
Unit 21 – The principles of infection, prevention and control.
1. Understand roles and responsibilities in the prevention and control of infections.
Everyone working in a health and social care setting is responsible for preventing infection. Health and social care practitioners must avoid getting and passing on pathogens, such as bacteria and viruses that cause illness.
As a health or social care practitioner you should: • Maintain high standards of personal health and hygiene • Be aware of the infection control policies and procedures that are used in your workplace. • Follow best practice in infection prevention and control • Maintain a clean and hygienic environment • Report
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These relate to food hygiene, disposal of waste, cleaning and laundry.
Food Hygiene: • Personal hygiene- keep hands clean, wear PPE, and do not work if unwell • Kitchen and dinning environment- keep surfaces and cooking equipment clean. • Safe food practices- including thorough thawing, heating and cooking of food, correct food storage, preparing meat and fish separately to avoid contaminating foods that are eaten raw.
Disposal of waste:
Rubbish and other waste products provide a perfect environment for harbouring pathogens and spreading infection. If left lying around rubbish also attracts vermin, such as rats, which carry disease. The way waste is disposed on depends on the: • Type of waste involved • Risk the waste poses to people • Risk the waste poses to the environment.
You need to understand the waste disposal arrangements and procedures for your work area. You should also be aware that different local authorities have different waste disposal arrangements for other forms of waste.
4. Understand the importance of risk assessment in relation to the prevention and control of
As a health care professional, I will help to ensure that work environment is safe by following the rules. Trashing materials in appropriate cans is the most important for all employees in the building. Knowing my responsibilities for my own health and safety in the workplace. If I found something unsafe condition, I will report immediately to my employer. Using personal protection equipment is important for your own safety.
|Control is required to ensure that the risks of any infection, as a result of bad handling of food, are minimised. | | | |
This individual’s job is to lead prevention efforts within the facility, to protect residents, staff, and visitors from infection and communicable diseases. Also, his is in charge to implement infection prevention and control policy and procedures. The Infection Preventionist also performs investigations and surveillance, prevents and controls outbreaks, improves processes and outcomes by taking corrective actions and implementing hand hygiene to minimize contamination. Additionally, the Infection Preventionist decides what procedures to initiate when infections appear, such as isolating a
1. Explain employees’ roles and responsibilities in relation to the prevention and control of infection.
1.2 Employers also have a responsibility to their staff, clients and other people who come in to contact with their services. employers need to ensure that staff are trained in how to prevent and control infection, have the equipment needed such as PPE and cleaning products as well as to check that employees are applying themselves in an appropriate manner, finding any areas
In every work place there should be policies set in place. These policies come from the law and make reference to the standard that is legally required in a health and social care setting. These include Fire Escape plans, Health and Safety policies and
Protecting the patient from illness and infection can by control if the staff knows the infections control procedures (wearing glows, protective clothing, washing the hands before and after a contact with a patient.
To introduce the learner to national and local policies in relation to infection control; to explain employer and employee responsibilities in this area; to understand how procedures and risk assessment can help minimise the risk of an outbreak of infection. Learners will also gain an understanding of how to use PPE correctly and gain an understanding of the importance of good personal hygiene. Credit Level 3 2 Assessment criteria The learner can: 1.1 Explain employees’ roles and responsibilities in relation to the prevention and control of infection 1.2 Explain employers’ responsibilities in relation to the prevention and control infection 2 Understand legislation and
|As a senior care worker I have roles and responsibility in realisation to the prevention control of infection there are; |
1.1 Explain the employees roles and responsibilities’ in relation to the prevention and control of infection
The purpose of risk assessment is not to remove risks, but to take reasonable steps to reduce them. The process involves looking at the risk, and considering what can be done to make it less likely that the risk will develop into a reality. This can be done through implementing policies and codes of practice, acting in individual’s best interests, fostering culture of openness and support being consistent, maintaining professional boundaries and following systems for raising concerns.
It is our responsibility as employees to take precautionary measures to prevent and control the spread of infection in the workplace. This involves working safely to protect myself, other staff, visitors and individuals from infections.
This paragraph explains ways to prevent infections contracted from hospitals. The number one way to lower the spread of infections contracted through a hospital is correct sanitation customs. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), a federal government agency has come up with guidelines in order to safeguard against the expansion of infections and diseases for patients and the workers (Hedman, 2010). It is mandatory for administrators of hospitals to write a disclosure policy to protect the workers from infections like Hepatitis B and other infections and bad bacteria. Minimizing infections that the workers have can aid in stopping the spread of
1.1: Employees rights and responsibilities in the relation to the prevention and control of infection are to follow company’s policies and procedures, keep themselves safe and others, report any hazards which could lead to infection, attend relevant courses, use the PPE provided, keeping the work environment clean and tidy and to maintain good personal hygiene
This reflective essay is based upon my experience working alongside the Infection Prevention and Control Support Nurses at the general hospital. As part of my learning experience as a 2nd year student nurse is to accompany the infection control nurses when visiting the wards The role of the IPCSN involved teaching, educating and advising all disciplines across the Trust, monitoring outbreaks and daily surveillance.