
Unit 21 – the Principles of Infection, Prevention and Control.

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Diploma level 2

Unit 21 – The principles of infection, prevention and control.

1. Understand roles and responsibilities in the prevention and control of infections.

Everyone working in a health and social care setting is responsible for preventing infection. Health and social care practitioners must avoid getting and passing on pathogens, such as bacteria and viruses that cause illness.

As a health or social care practitioner you should: • Maintain high standards of personal health and hygiene • Be aware of the infection control policies and procedures that are used in your workplace. • Follow best practice in infection prevention and control • Maintain a clean and hygienic environment • Report …show more content…

These relate to food hygiene, disposal of waste, cleaning and laundry.

Food Hygiene: • Personal hygiene- keep hands clean, wear PPE, and do not work if unwell • Kitchen and dinning environment- keep surfaces and cooking equipment clean. • Safe food practices- including thorough thawing, heating and cooking of food, correct food storage, preparing meat and fish separately to avoid contaminating foods that are eaten raw.

Disposal of waste:

Rubbish and other waste products provide a perfect environment for harbouring pathogens and spreading infection. If left lying around rubbish also attracts vermin, such as rats, which carry disease. The way waste is disposed on depends on the: • Type of waste involved • Risk the waste poses to people • Risk the waste poses to the environment.

You need to understand the waste disposal arrangements and procedures for your work area. You should also be aware that different local authorities have different waste disposal arrangements for other forms of waste.

4. Understand the importance of risk assessment in relation to the prevention and control of

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