
Unholy Confessions Mood

Satisfactory Essays

I started off my day by waking up to my boyfriend’s phone alarm. The song is called “Unholy Confessions” by Avenged Sevenfold. It is in the genre of heavy metal and he picked that song to help wake him up since he’s a heavy sleeper. The tempo of the music was fast and the dynamics of this song was forte. The main contributor to the dynamics is the vocalist who just screams the majority of the song. The combination of loud and fast music created an upbeat mood which makes us feel like jumping out of bed every morning. For the meter, there were four beats in a measure, and I found it by listening for the downbeat which was the combination of the bass, the bass drum, and loud electric guitar on the first beat of every measure. I don’t particularly like this genre of music and listening to it makes me feel very uncomfortable because to me it’s very chaotic and not it’s not peaceful enough. In my musical theatre class, we are studying the musical “Show Boat (1927).” During class, we watched a YouTube video on the performance of the song called “Ol’ Man River.” This song’s genre is opera and I can tell because the style is to sing very long notes in vibrato and I at times I cannot tell what …show more content…

I love this song because it is sung by my favorite artist Taylor Swift and the genre is pop. I can immediately tell this song is pop because of the style of the song. The beat is fast, the guitar and keyboard creates a hip and cool beat, and I can recognize the artists’ voices immediately. The texture of this song is thick as it is edited to have many different instrumental parts adding to make the song come together as one. Zayn is a male singer and sings in the countertenor vocal range, but he can also sing in a high soprano vocal range like Taylor Swift does in this song. The couple both take turns singing the harmony during the chorus and verses of the

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