
Undocumented Immigrants

Decent Essays

Throughout the history of the United States, immigration has become a part of our country’s issue which bean centuries ago. The issue of undocumented immigrates has become the primary focus in this year’s election. Undocumented immigrants are foreign born people who lack a right to be in the United States, having either entered without inspection or stayed beyond the expiration date of a visa or other status. Undocumented immigrants are seen as double edged sword. When people move into an area, legally or not, it can also mean that there will be more consumers and potential workers, but it can also mean fewer jobs for locals. Large numbers of immigrants and their families cannot help but have a significant impact on the cultural, political, …show more content…

Everyone in this image is wearing black or gray, they all blend into the background. The background is gray and white, with the wide open landscape with lots of trees. The image accompanying this article is “Beyond the border: Life in limbo” explains Jesus and his families story. Jesus and his mother Angelica were among tens of thousands of people from Central America who crossed the United States Mexico border in the summer of 2014. It was a warm day in September, weeks after Jesus and Angelia got off a Greyhound bus in Tupelo, Mississippi and reunited with his father, after extensive years of reunited with his father, after extensive years of not seeing each other. Their dreams of “being side by side after a lifetime apart propelled the 14 years olds” (Catherine E. Shoichet, (2016) as he and his mother left Guatemala. Activist called the wave of the new immigrants a humanitarian crisis. U.S. officials called “it Shoichet, 2016) and vowed to do everything in their power to stop them and send back most of the people who’d already arrived. This picture argues that injustice that immigrants have to …show more content…

The background consists of clear blue sky wide view of open landscape and a man kneeing in the front of the cross in the middle dressed in all black adding a pair of white shoes in front of the cross. Much like Contreras’s image, this photograph illustrates the same message. However rather than showing a father and son reconnecting after 13 years, this image shows priests’ loft shoes worn by migrants the site along the United States Mexico border. Differing from Contreras photograph Yardley’s image only shows how dangerous the journey from Mexico to the United States is. Everything else in this picture is filled with color except for the man and the gravesite since the image is focused on the center to show what loves once have to go through if they lose their family member while still on the journey. The article that the image is paired with is titled, “Pope Francis Wades into U.S. Immigration Morass with Border Trip” explains Pope Francis speaking out about immigration. Like Contreras, the focus of this photograph in Yardley’s article consists of all the tombstones. The crosses have horses with people riding on top of them. There are miniature trees already the tombstones. There is man in all black kneeling in front of the cross in the middle. It looks like is adding new shoes in front the cross. Most of the people the people the people that travel through the Jacumba

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