
Undocumented Immigrants

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In the past few years a dispute has risen in the middle of the controversy about illegal immigration and border security. Are the children of illegal immigrants U.S. citizens? This a question that has provoked intense arguments and various attempts to change the birth right law established in the Fourteen Amendment. Many conservative people believe the sons and daughters of undocumented immigrants shouldn’t be granted American citizenship. They interpret the 14th amendment to exclude anyone whose parents are not legal residents of this country. There has even been attempts to change the Constitution and the Fourteen Amendment more exclusive. Doing so would leave many people without nationally. Regardless of the countless arguments everyone …show more content…

The article “Children of Undocumented Immigrants Are Not US Citizens” by Vincent Gioia supports this so called solution quoting one of the framers of the fourteen amendment, Senator Jacob Howard. “The clause [the citizenship clause section 1] specifically excludes all persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens," Senator Howard stated once. It’s a backed up argument to use what the writers of the law meant but how do you prove someone doesn’t have the right to a citizen according to the “correct’ criteria. Research would have to be made for each person and their ancestors. Margaret Stocks mentions this in her article “Birthright Citizenship Should Not Be Eliminated.” She says, “the lawyer must inquire about grandparents as well as parents, about marriage dates and birth dates of ancestors, and about the time that one's parents or grandparents spent in the United States prior to one's birth,” this process would have to be applied to many people. It wouldn’t only be to for the people who are a first generation of American citizen, such law would have to go deeper. Many people whose ancestors arrived illegally after the Fourteen Amendment was ratified would lose their citizenships and all generations since then would lose any right of being an American. In such case even the people who push for the elimination of birthright citizenship …show more content…

Not only from trying to figure out who is a citizen and who is not but once millions lose the right to every part of being an American the economy would suffer. There’s millions of adults with illegal parents, many of them also have a college education and a job that contributes to the U.S. economy. If their citizenship is revoked they would be deported along with their parents to the parents’ homelands, Mexico for example who according to the Pew Hispanic Center attributes about 59% of all immigrants in the U.S. In that case with so many people being sent there, Mexico would experience a great economic growth. Economic growth that would be caused by an increase in numbers in the work force and the experience and knowledge many people who used to work in the U.S. would have. According to “Granting Illegal Immigrants a Path to Citizenship Would Boost US and State Economies” by Robert Lynch if illegal immigrants were legalized they would attribute billions of dollar to the economy. In a time frame of ten years the “GDP [a measure of total economic output], of the United States would be $832 billion.” Now imagine what would happen if all those illegal immigrants with potential to help the economy doubled in number by taking away U.S. citizenship from native-born people and instead of legalizing them they were all deported to “solve” the immigration problem. How

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