
Essay on Understanding Stroke

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Understanding Stroke

Diagnosis and Clinical Features of Stroke

Several researchers have attempted to determine the general public's knowledge about stroke risk factors and warning signs. The most commonly cited risk factors were hypertension and stress; the most frequently identified warning signs were dizziness, severe headaches, and unspecified weakness. Knowledge about warning signs may prompt early recognition of strokes and, hence increase the speed and aggressiveness with which people seek medical attention. The five stroke warning signs identified by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and stroke include: (a) sudden weakness of the face, arm, or leg on one side of the body; (b) sudden dimness or loss of …show more content…

As a consequence, over the hours and days after a stroke oedema frequently occurs. This may be the cause of mortality in a proportion of patients, particularly those with large strokes.

Studies completed over the last 15 years have shown that glutamate is the powerful neurotoxin in stroke, capable of killing neurons in the central nervous system when its extracellular concentration is sufficiently high. Many experiments show that glutamate plays a key role in ischemic brain damage and that drugs which decrease the accumulation of glutamate or block its postsynaptic effects may be rational therapy for stroke. Glutamate also causes an influx of sodium ions into neurons, correctly anticipating many of the more sophisticated neurophysiological experiments of the past two decades. In a study of spreading depression of cerebral cortical activity, it was also suggested that extracellular Glu could increase the sodium permeability of neurons. Glutamate has been localized to excitatory terminals in the hippocampus.

All in the family or not? Non-Genetic and Genetic Risk Factors

A primary component of public health education about strokes is information about modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors. Non-modifiable risk factors include being elderly and being male, having an immediate relative who is a stroke survivor or being a stroke survivor yourself, and being of African American heritage. In addition, dyslipidemica (high cholesterol,

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