
Understanding Nutrition Labels

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The patient is overwhelmed with shopping in the grocery store and lacks confidence and skills in the kitchen; the teaching method use to help the patient is the demonstration method. This teaching method will actually perform an operation and show the patient how and what to do at grocery store. The reason this teaching method in this particular case was chosen is because it will be effective and the patient can see, hear, discuss and participate in the demostration1, and it is simple and easy to understand. However, this teaching method will help the patient understand the difference between item price and unit price to determine which is less expensive on per unit basis and learn common measures used for foods. The use of measurement for …show more content…

The food label contains product-specific information i.e. serving size, calorie and nutrient information and the bottom part have a footnote with Daly Values (DV) for 2000 ad 2,500 calorie diets and the footnote suggests recommendation dietary information for essential nutrients, such as fat, sodium and fiber2. Teaching a patient to understand nutrition labels will enable her manage the health condition and shop for appropriate ingredient and foods. For the patient be aware of ingredient lists on the food labels is crucial in controlling IBS and aids to recognize possible foods trigger, which could cause symptoms such as bloating, abdominal pain and irregular bowel movements. The most essential information for IBS patient on a label is the ingredient list such as MSG or glutamate, yeast and textured protein that may possible trigger symptoms and irritate gut. Again, IBS patient should avoid ingredient list such as artificial coloring, artificial flavoring and processed mold, which causes potential bowel-irritation for IBs patient. The ingredient list of the food label containing high fructose corn syrup or any sugar in the---- ose family should be avoided because it feeds yeast in the gut adding to gas and bloating3. The low fat items are frequently high in sugar to replace for the flavor lost from the reduced fat content, as a result feed intestinal yeast and bacteria causing gas and bloating. Another, tip is reading nutritional label and for those suffering from IBS should choose product high in fiber, checking the ingredient list on the food label will enable the patient foods know the foods sneak into the product. The patient should check the ingredient, since it the just accurate way to know the quality of a food and what it is made

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