
Understanding Child and Young Person's Development

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Unit 3 Understand Child and Young Person’s Development

All children are unique and a lot of their developmental milestones happen naturally as they get older, however some can be affected by different life factors, such as health, environment and background and more specific skills can be learnt and encouraged. There is an expected pattern of development but all children are individual and therefore the rate will vary.

There are four categories of development:

Physical Development (Birth - 1 year) - The development of control over one's own body in both gross and fine motor skills is the infant's primary physical task, culminating toward the end of the first year in walking.
(1-2 years) - The infant perfects the gross …show more content…

(6-11 years) - The child is industrious, purposeful, and goal directed in their activities. They are confident and self-directed.
The child is developing a better sense of themselves as an individual, with likes and dislikes and special areas of skill.
The child evaluates their worth by their ability to perform. Self-esteem is largely derived from one's perceived abilities.
(12-19 years) - The early adolescent is strongly identified with the peer group. They depend upon their peers for emotional stability and support and to help mould their emerging identity. Self-esteem is greatly affected by acceptance of peers.
Adolescents will suffer frequent mood swings. They are very vulnerable to emotional stress.

Factors that affect development:

A child’s diet makes a difference to growth and well-being. A good diet makes a difference to a child’s ability to concentrate and therefore to learn.

Sleep is important to a child’s development. It is vital for cognitive function and growth to take place. Tiredness will affect a child’s relationships with other as they will be unable to control their emotions and behaviour.

Stimulation is vital in all age groups in order for their brain to develop and to create opportunities to physically use their body. Children will achieve these by playing, trying new tastes, meeting others and learning new skills.

The environment in which a child grows up can

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