
Servant Leadership Theory

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If I asked you to think of a manager, what type of person would they be? Many people think of individuals who are over hordes of people that are all dressed in suits and ties, working from 9:00-5:00. Others, however, think of supervisors in factories or the person behind the counter at a fast food restaurant in a different colored shirt from the rest. The truth is, even though each type of manager has a different job and skill set, they all have more in common than most people realize. A good manager, no matter what field they are in, has the ability to lead others well, motivate those around them, and uses good communication skills. They make decisions under difficult circumstances, provide support for their employees, and are willing to think …show more content…

Motivation begins with focusing on three questions: "Where do we get our energy?", "Why do we use our energy the way we do?", and "What makes us sustain performance?" Abraham Maslow believes our energy originates in our needs and created his hierarchy of needs theory to illustrate that we are motivated by different needs and that all of our decisions are rooted in what drives us. For example, a person with physiological needs is truly trying to survive and their desired goal is to provide food, shelter, clothing, and other basic essentials for themselves and possibly their families, whereas, someone who has reached self-actualization have needs of self-fulfillment like trying to reach their full potential as a human being. Because there is such a broad variety of needs among employees, it can be hard for managers to know exactly which need it is that a specific employee has driving them, but if they can find the source of their energy, they can use this as motivation to keep their employees going and do the best they can. Just as each employee will have their own set of needs driving them, they will also have their own levels of self-motivation and have different amounts of need for outside motivators. It is the job of the manager to know how much is enough and how much is too much when it comes to motivating those who work for them. The best way for managers to understand this is having open communication with their employees and

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