Associated Students provides a direct outlet to change the lives of the students and faculty here at UCSB, with creating lasting impacts on the decisions made. Focusing my energy towards a positive impact. Using my peers thought and concern to help usher in the future of UCSB and the community around it. This also gives me the opportunity to view how each branch of government interacts with each other directly as it occurs. Along with that it will give me an the chance to meet like minded individuals to are as driven and hard working to make a lasting impact on the school.
I am currently a Peer Academic Leader for Grogan Residential College. I decided to become a PAL because I wanted to help first-year students transitioning from high school to college. This experience has been very rewarding because I feel that I have made an impact the lives of my fellow Spartans. I wanted to make sure that I could help first-years receive guidance and support whether it be academically or socially. I am also going to be a Resident Advisor next year and I am very excited to impact the lives of more first-year students! I am a firm believer in being the change we wish to see in the world, and I plan on helping my student community in order to see that change occur.
Student affairs is charged with finding the resources needed to better services, programs, student learning experience, and the teaching of technology to students (Jones, et all, 2011, p.539). In 1890 LeBarron Russell Brigs was appointed dean of men, the first dean appointed. Briggs’s duties as the first dean of men was dealing with student issues. As colleges developed into more than just a place for students to learn the dean of men’s role had changed, the role became focused on helping students to become more rounded in not only education but, help them to become better citizens, and to teach students to have a better social and moral foundation. There are several major roles of student affairs, helping in retention of students, learning
The Vision of Student Affairs is to empower USF students for lifelong success. Their mission is to cultivate student engagement,
For me, the Student Government Association is not just a student organization. I believe that it is a place for enthusiastic students to share their thoughts and give input on the major aspects of USD. While our school is already amazing, there are still things that can improve. Because of my motivation and desire to make USD the best, I want to serve on SGA. SGA would provide me with the tools to help express not only my views, but also my peers as well.
If I am chosen to represent West campus as an ASB member...I would always try to come up with ways to enhance spirit for the school, promoting pep rallies, games, and always showing others what is to be a class representative for the school. We could make weekly flyers of the Motivational quote of the week. I believe that the quote ”trying to make a school a better place" is so cliche, but the one that I really believe to make happen for others is we should make it better by being ourselves and making it a unique school that promotes to be our own person for the best future.
Joining my school’s Associated Student Body (ASB) has allowed me to improve the environment and atmosphere at school while also giving myself a greater voice. As the recent class secretary and future class president, I am committed to enhancing the experiences of my peers in high school. In a school that is vastly underfunded and with many students living in poverty, it becomes hard for students to become spirited and support our fundraisers because of the mediocre quality of our school as well as simply being unable to afford things. My class and I are dedicated to ensuring that every student has the opportunity to make the most of their high school experience, regardless of their background. From selling frozen goods to reduce prom charges
The Student Government Association, a student lead organization aimed to improve the campus community, has established several goals they would like to accomplish during the current school year, 2015-2016. In order to determine these goals and objectives, two detailed persona profiles were created which provided the association with a better understanding of their audiences and how to best communicate with them. The publics were divided into two groups, students pertaining to the senate and students pertaining to the student body. Therefore, the next stage consists in performing research regarding the goals SGA has established by conducting surveys and focus groups on campus.
Introduction: As first generation college students getting into a college or university seemed more of a dream, until the letter of acceptance is in. Once arriving to Humboldt State University the reality finally seemed to settle in. The environment is so much different compared to the city like there isn’t the constant sound of trains, helicopters, or even planes around. Since Humboldt is a green school there is no single use water bottles on campus nor are there children constantly running around compared to the city. Also the diversity is not as broad as in the city, though Humboldt State University is a diverse school, Arcata the city, isn’t as diverse.
There are many aspects of the Honors College that made me interested in joining this program: the academics, the community, the extracurricular and leadership opportunities. Along with bettering my college experience, I also believe I can contribute to this community with my unique experiences and leadership skills.
Meeting new people with a common goals and interests will help me establish lifelong friendships that will be there for me when I am in need. Also, meeting people knowing that we are in it together will bring up our drive and motivation to work hard and succeed in life. I want to be a part of a campus with a great community and high involvement in activities.
My work in student affairs provides significant opportunity to contemplate, implement and assess initiatives related to student success and retention. My current research is connected to peer education and the 1st year experience and I have active and growing experience in the needs assessment and
I have been attending Anthem Prep for five consecutive years and I am applying the role of Freshman Class Representative. To make it more interesting for our students to get involved, Anthem Prep has been making changes to its student life and topics relating to it. Though our school has made significant progress, I believe the upcoming student government will improve our student body and their lives on campus.
As a student affairs practitioner I believe I am a cornerstone of the higher education experience. I have made it my mission to help students be the best version of themselves for the benefit of not only them, but of society at large. I work to help create not only educated students, but also engaged members of a global society.
It allows students to feel like a part of the college, as if the belong. Once a feeling of belonging has been established, it will become harder to leave, to give up or dropout.
The University wants everyone to be united and experience new programs and to gain experience.