STSE: Equilibrium Systems
1. Choose a process which uses an equilibrium system.
How calcium oxalate kidney stones form in a human body?
Calcium oxalate stones are the most common type of kidney stones to form. They are solid masses that form within the kidney because of a great amount of oxalate in one’s urine and too little liquid. Oxalate is found in foods, and when the body is done processing the nutrients it requires from digestion, waste products travel to the kidneys. The kidneys make urine which removes these waste products, however if there are too many waste products present in too little liquid, there are crystals that form. Crystals will then stick together to form a kidney stone which can’t get passed through and out of the body as urine. Crystals that are specific to kidney stones are formed of oxalate which sticks to calcium also found in the kidneys. The formation of calcium oxalate kidney stones is an equilibrium system.
2. Write the balanced equation for the system.
CaC2O4 (s) (-- removed HTML --) Ca2+(aq) + C2O42- (aq)
The forward reaction for this reversible reaction shows calcium oxalate breaking down into calcium and oxalate ions.
The reverse reaction is where calcium and oxalate ions form calcium oxalate kidney stones.
3. Explain the shifts that occur in this equilibrium using Le Chatelier’s Principle.
In terms of Le Chatelier’s Principle, there are changes in concentration, temperature, volume and pressure that can occur to
The objective of the experiment is to apply Le Chatelier's Principle, which is a system that responds to an external stress and then adjusts itself in order to alleviate the stress when it is at equilibrium. A reactant is added, and the equilibrium is reestablished, resulting in more products and fewer reactants, and thus, the position of equilibrium is shifted to the right. When a product is added, the equilibrium position is shifted to the left because there are more reactants and fewer products.
The purpose of this lab was to determine the effect of temperature on the volume of gas when the pressure is consistent and to verify Charles’ Law. The data from the experiment reveals that as temperature increases, so does volume. This also indicates that as temperature decreases, the volume decreases as well.
Regarding temperature, Le Chatelier’s principle states that seeing as the production of COCl2 from CO + Cl2 comes about through a process of exothermic reaction, that the reverse would come about through a process of endothermic reaction. Therefore increasing the temperature would cause a reduction in the equilibrium yield of COCL2 favouring the original reactants CO + Cl2. (163)
Think about the gas laws we are studying. Boyle’s law tells us that pressure and volume are inversely proportional. Charles’ law states that volume and temperature are directly proportional. We also know that pressure and temperature are directly proportional. Discuss at least one instance in your personal experience where you have seen one or more of these laws in action.
The pressure of a gas sample increases for a decrease in volume and decreases for an increase in volume.
Men are more likely to have kidney stones, because their urinary tract is larger than women's. Men are more prone to kidney stones their weight and size. Kidney stones are caused by low fluid intake, hot environments, high salt and protein intake, depending on your body kidney stones are able to develop due to lack of support from your body. As being the medical assistant I would be sure to make sure they are drinking plenty of water and are getting plenty of rest. I would also tell my patient to eat healthy fruit as is, without adding sugar or salt.
!!! What is a Double Displacement Reaction? Let us imagine ourselves going to a dance and having a dance partner. Once we arrive to the dance, we interact with other people and we end up switching dance partners with another person. Now you end up with a new dance partner.
Robert Boyle, a philosopher and theologian, studied the properties of gases in the 17th century. He noticed that gases behave similarly to springs; when compressed or expanded, they tend to ‘spring’ back to their original volume. He published his findings in 1662 in a monograph entitled The Spring of the Air and Its Effects. You will make observations similar to those of Robert Boyle and learn about the relationship between the pressure and volume of an ideal gas.
The main objective of this experiment is to differentiate between a physical change and a chemical change.
Nephrolithiasis can be suspected based on the history and physical examination. However, lab works and diagnostic imaging are important to confirm and exclude the diagnosis of nephrolithiasis. Urinalysis is performed to examine the presence of blood, urine pH and crystals to identify the contents of the stone as well as infection. An elevated WBC count or presence of bacteria in the urine is a sign of infection. Identifying the stone composition will help to direct the medical therapy for the patient. A 24 hour urine collection is done to identify dietary and individual risk factors for recurrent nephrolithiasis. Several imaging studies can be performed to rule out nephrolithiasis. If a patient is pregnant or contraindicated for better imaging
In this lab I found there are huge connects between volume and pressure. In the case of
The purpose of this lab is to observe the changes in a chemical reaction and how factors affect the system like increase concentrations, temperature, pressure or common ions affect the outcome of the overall reaction and its equilibrium. The Le Chatelier's Principle is used often in order to determine the direction of a reaction, like a balance when disturbed it shifts to more over to one side than the other; in this case if one side of the reaction is stressed the other side will react to counteract for the change. This often means that more or less products will form or reactants will be more present in the end. The five stages performed in this lab with varying chemicals each with stressed the system in various ways. The first reaction is
Background Information: We are going to use our knowledge of the Le Chatelier’s principle in order to observe this experiment. The principle states that the equilibrium will shift in the direction that will minimize the effects of the change.
Kidney stones are hard, crystalline deposits in the kidney. They are usually hexagonal, eighty percent of which are made of calcium. These calcium stones are two to three times more common in men, and are most likely to reoccur. The calcium oxalate versions most likely result from eating specific food. One percent of stones are cystine stones, which have to do with
Kidney stones, stated by the Mayo Clinic are small, hard mineral deposits that form inside your kidneys. The stones are made of minerals and acid salts. Minerals, acid salts, calcium, and uric acid will build up and crystallize due to urine becoming concentrated, and lacking necessary