
Type 1 Diabetes Research Paper

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Diabetes Mellitus is a group of diseases accumulating together, which will then affect how the body uses blood sugar (glucose). Glucose is the body’s energy mechanism to feed the cells and give strength to muscles and tissues. Glucose comes from the things you eat, mostly from the foods or drinks that include large amounts of sugar. “Diabetes is one of the most common diseases in the US. It is estimated that 16.7 million US adults (about 7% of the total adult US population) have diagnosed diabetes. About 1 million new cases of diabetes are diagnosed annually.” (Pittas, 2008) The main organ that is affected is the pancreas. With this disease, the levels of glucose are too low or too high, then insulin can be produced in the body. Insulin regulates …show more content…

That is usually due to a complication of blood vessels in tissue and organs. There are ways to identify if you are prone to type I diabetes. If someone in your family already has this disease you can be more prone to getting it. Illnesses can also lead to type I diabetes by the decreasing of the immune system. Parents that are tested positive for the autoantibodies will put someone in a higher risk for getting type I diabetes. There are also dietary needs like lack of vitamin D that can put someone at risk. Newborn babies that are exposed to cow milk or anything that includes cow milk can develop the disease. “Certain countries, such as Finland and Sweden, have higher rates of type 1 diabetes” (Castro, 2014). Even though, some people have high risk, doesn’t mean they will for sure get this disease. For type 2 diabetes, there are more risk factors to look out for. Weight is a risk factor by the inability of insulin to be absorbed by the cell due to the fat tissue being in the way. By that being said if someone has a sedentary lifestyle then that will increase fat tissue. What is similar to type I diabetes is that for type II diabetes it can also be a risk if any family member has the disease. “People of certain races- including blacks, Hispanics, American Indians, Asian-Americans- are at higher risk” (Castro, 2014). The more the age increases the most prone the person is to get type II diabetes due …show more content…

One major complication is cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease also known as heart disease and vascular disease. The ways that can lead to something like this is by having hypertension (high blood pressure), myocardial infarction (heart attack), or a major stroke. The best plan to prevent this from happening is checking cholesterol levels yearly, observing the blood pressure, and HbA1c very 3 months. Controlling in the way someone eats and maintains their daily weight. "Encourage a diet of low-fat meals that are high in fruits, vegetables, and whole-grains" (Johnson, 2015, p. 806). Symptoms like short of breath, edema (swelling of the feet), not being able to urinate, headaches, and changes in vision must be reported to a provider. Diabetic Retinopathy is a complication that can lead to impaired vision and blindness. It's changes of the blood vessels like swelling or leaking that will majorly affect the eye. For prevention, yearly examinations are highly suggested to ensure good health for the eyes. Checking blood glucose levels are also essential. Kidney failure takes time to develop; the filtration of the kidneys is increased in the beginning stages of diabetes. Then the kidneys will start having blood protein in the urine (albumin). The more albumins being produced the less ability the kidneys will be able to filtrate. By the end stage, all the fluid will back up into

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