
Twin Buttes Essay

Decent Essays

Everyone knows the twin buttes outside of Menan, but not everyone knows the origin of them. It started clear back in the old days. Like really, really old days. Im talking back in the days of no toilets and hunting and gathering. There was rumors told about the Rigby people and outskirts that there was sightings of a giant prairie dog. Others said it was and extremely large rock chuck. This bad boy was a half a mile in length from nose to tail and loved to wander around the desert outside of Menan. Every summer people tried to trap him to gain the pelt of this enormous rodent. But this cheese toothed giant could run faster than lightning and could burrow straight into the rocky lands of Jefferson County. The buttes were the aftermath of a great escape accomplished by the giant rodent. There was this hick that lived in Menan and from the beginning of the sightings, this man tried his hardest to trap him, until one day he came so close to trapping this beast he …show more content…

One day there was a sighting and Acbar came running with much excitement. He brought with him his wits that were as sharp as a samurai’s sword, and his giant trap that was as big as a blue whale. He set his traps and waited for the beast. Finally after 3 days of waiting he finally spots the rodent, and his heart starts beating so hard that the other Hicks of Menan could feel it in the ground! Because of this the rodent got a sense that someone was watching him. Then out of no where the hick lets a big juicy one rip. This fart was so loud that without hesitation the rodent dove straight into the ground with so much force that it pushed the earth around him up into a butte, and the other butte was formed from the much force from the gigantic fart dealt by the trapper. During this fart he lost all of his super human growth and shrunk back to his original size. He was so mad that he did not get the

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