
Tuttle Family

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Soon upon opening the index, which was essentially a record of the family names living in Morris County around that time, I quickly located the name Tuttle S and Tuttle C. Both names gestured towards a map, consisting of both Hanover and Whippany Township. Knowing that Caleb Tuttle was the priority, I learned that he had been living in the historic Littleton district, and, not far from the tuttle property, just up the road in fact, I saw the Haring Property on the map. Not farm from the Haring Farm were two properties labelled as Shelley and Rowe. In other words, by investigating the Tuttle family to serve as a marker when natural landmarks failed me, I learned that the Tuttles and the Harings had lived in Hanover Township, Morris County, during …show more content…

The first folder was blank, the second folder was labelled Clippings, the third folder was labelled Composites, the fourth folder was not labelled, and the fifth folder was also labelled Composites, but, as I mentioned before, it was empty. My second search, this time looking explicitly at the contents of the folders, revealed that Robert Simms had had an extensive acting career throughout his life. During my search, I put down notes when I saw details regarding his family history, his acting career, who he was connected to, as well as the plays he had performed in as well as directed. For instance, in the clippings folder, I discovered that Robert Simms had been involved in a great deal in his life. Director of Public Relations for the Morris- Sussex Chapter of the AHA during the Jogathon for the Heart, Director and Executive of the Drama Department in the Garden State Theatre, teacher of amateur and professional actors, many recommendations from administrators who had seen, or knew of, his work, part of the community adult school, tutored by Michael Howard, teacher of the Stanislavski method, as well as a Morristown resident, and performer in over 200 TV programs and …show more content…

As I learned from one of the clippings in the collection, Ancestry described that Robert Simms grandfather had been from Ireland, yet of Scottish ancestry, and his grandmother had been from Scotland as well. With Ancestry, I was even able to find an estimated birth date for Robert Simms Jr. The Ancestry website stated that Robert Simms Jr was estimated to have been born in the year of 1929, which allowed me to start putting years on some of his events for his family history. Once I had gathered an accurate timeline of Robert Simms life, I used Microsoft Word to create a list for the folders within the collection, for the sake of maintaining the original order, as well as assembled the data of Robert Simms life into an organized summary of his history. To recount, my projects assist the library as, in the map project, I organized the unorganized maps and filled out their information, so that the library can properly catalogue them as well as use the maps for displaying and teaching the history of Morristown, Morris Township, and Morris County. In addition, with the Robert Simms project, this project benefits the library by summarizing the information for this individual so that the library can offer information about this individual to any descendants that wish to

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