
Turkey Research Paper

Decent Essays

In this essay, I will be talking about a turkey for an animal and an apple tree for a plant. Turkeys and apple trees are both Eukarya. Eukarya is a domain of organisms having cells each with a distinct nucleus. Turkeys are apart of the Animalia Kingdom. The Animalia Kingdom includes organisms such as fish, birds, mammals, and many more. Apple trees belong to the Plantae Kingdom. The Plantae Kingdom is the source of food for all other living thing creatures present on Earth. The Plantae Kingdom is key for our survival. Turkeys are part of the Chordate phylum. The Chordate phylum includes all animals that possess a hollow nerve cord and a notochord. This is a flexible rod between the nerve cord and the digestive track. Apple trees are vascular …show more content…

They nest on the ground. They are the largest game birds found in this part of the world. They spend most of their time finding food such as acorns, seeds, small insects and berries. Male turkeys weigh about 18 pounds. Females are smaller. They weigh between 8 to 10 pounds. A male bird can stand 5 feet tall. Both male and female turkeys have a long neck, featherless blue head, spurred legs, and a fan-shaped tail. Males have what is called red wattles on the throat. They also have a dark tuft suspended from the breast, this is often called a "beard." Males can have a variety of colors on their feathers such as red, green, copper, bronze and gold. Females usually have brown or gray feathers. Turkeys usually eat fruits, nuts, and insects. Turkeys reproduce by sexual reproduction and lay eggs. Turkeys may seem insignificant but they are apart of our food chain and without them our food chain would go down hill. Apple trees are small trees that can reach 25 feet in height. The leaves are oval. White five petaled blossoms are found on the tree in spring. The apples mature through the summer and are ready to eat in the fall. Ripe apples range in color from green to yellow to a red or a mixture of these

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