
Afghanistan Research Paper

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Afghanistan is an Islamic nation in pure chaos and war-riddled like no other. The Afghan people have been at war since the beginning of their time. They live a hardscrabble life due to day-to-day struggle between the Taliban and coalition forces. Due to thirty plus years of political conflict and chaos, the environment is suffering. Behind all the war and carnage, many people do not realize that there is a beautiful landscape. The population is friendly, but lives a strict traditional lifestyle. The country has many environmental concerns that have come about since the Soviet Union's invasion. Even though all of the right projects, established by the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), the Afghans have minimal potable …show more content…

In this culture, if you have lack honor and reputation, you lack credibility and say. You could be a good man with an excellent reputation, but if you associate yourself with those who have a bad reputation and no honor, you are labeled the same. The top male of the household is responsible for the upkeep and the protection of his family’s honor. The Afghan people are genuinely hospitable and, regardless of whom you are, if you are visiting their home, they will provide you with the best that the family has to give. If you are a guest in an Afghan household, they believe that they must protect you at all costs (Tribal Analysis Center, LTD, …show more content…

Locals receive threats from the Taliban when they give help to the United States, and the United States deems it suspicious when the locals withhold information about the Taliban. The Taliban claimed to provide aid to the Afghan people, but said assistance had not been observed by the United States. The Taliban makes most of their money through the exportation of opium and heroin. Another portion of their money comes from extorting local business and villages by claiming that they need to pay them for the right to exist. Taliban fighters have a history of moving into a village and pushing out the locals which creates a constant struggle for the Afghan people (Jalali,

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