Nicole Sahlin
Supportive Vocabulary learning Environment
July 3rd,2013
Title/Author- Tuck Everlasting-Natalie Babbitt
Name: Nicole Sahlin
Subject: English
Theme: What if you could live forever?
Intended Grade level: 5th grade
Specific Objective: Students will be able to develop an understanding or comprehension of the key vocabulary in the novel and a comprehension on the pro have and cons of living forever.
Synatic: Students will be able to develop multiple compound sentences while writing their reflection and reports regarding the story.
Sematic: students will be able to look up vocabulary words from the dictionary and come up with sentences
Materials Needed 1) Novel 2) Vocabulary journals 3)
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Also have students complete all reading and study guides that were not finished and review vocabulary for possible pop quiz on vocabulary from prologue-chapter 10.
Vocabulary – insist, vision, speechless, rapid, flee, comprehend, outrage, sob, melody, suspect, settle, peculiar, passage, blame, conclusion, tension, scornful, brooch, elated, remarkable, exhausted, vivid, vanity, surface, steep, homely, enormous, gaze, displace, melancholy,
Day 3 Wednesday- Chapters 10-15
*TEST #1
* Review novel, ask if there is any questions
*Play bingo vocabulary with the vocabulary from the previous ten chapters
* Have students complete a W-W-H Chart
* Review chart
* Same exercise with groups and taking turns finding definitions
*Start reading Chapters 10-15
*remind students about their timeline
*Whatever readings and study guide questions are not done it is their responsibility for homework
* Have the students answer the questions in their journals, Journal Question: Winnie learns an incredible story from the Tucks. How would you have felt about it? What would you have done?
*Homework: Finish any reading/study guide/vocabulary-Have students create a power point for 15 words. Explain that you want the definition/picture/sentence/synonyms/
Vocabulary- indomitable ,perilous ,ancient ,vast ,cavernous ,narrow ,loft ,evidence ,dim ,jumble
Students will be able to read story problems that include division problems and read vocabulary words that pertain to the lesson.
1. Before you begin reading this section use a dictionary to define the following vocabulary:
vocabulary words we will discuss the definition of each of the words to make sure
This entails working on the Seven Steps to Writing Success will be taught twice a week and writing tasks will also be included during literacy groups. Sizzling Starts and recounts will be the focus text in term one. Narrative and creative writing will be taught too and in both cases the emphasis will be on creating strong sentences with good structure. The lesson format for sizzling starts and narrative/creative writing will be explicit teaching to the whole class. My role as a teacher will be to identify the student’s level and provide appropriate feedback to support to move students toward the next level.
Lesson Goal/Objective- The students will learn to identify words with multiple and similar meanings. The students will be able to recognize the meaning of the word using the context of the sentence.
VOCABULARY: Without using the internet, write the definition for the words you know. Then if you have blanks look them up in your textbook. (front of the book
Tuck Everlasting is the story about the young girl of age eleven named Winnie Foster, her family is wealthy and owned the woods, where there is a magic spring. One morning, Winnie ran away from her home because of her domineering mother. She explores the woods, where she met a boy named Jesse Tuck he was drinking water from the spring and tells her its secret, the spring gives eternal life. Winnie gets kidnapped by Jesse’s brother Miles because he’s afraid she will tell the secret. Jesse and his family told Winnie all about the spring’s power. While Winnie was in the woods, a man in a yellow suit befriends Winnie’s family in order to steal the woods where the spring was. He spied the Tucks in the woods and he had desires on the
This novel is an essential read for high school students to teach them the extent of these
She added a new group to the book club. This group was just reading science passages before because Ms. J needed to find an interesting book on level for this group. The students made a paper booklet for their books and wrote the questions that were posted on the board and their answers for that book on a different page. So the first real page in the book would be the questions for chapter one the next page would be where the students recorded the questions and answers for chapter two, and so on. The new book added was named Summer of Riley. This novel follows the story of an eleven year old who has a dog named Riley that they are trying to save from being put to sleep by the law enforcement for chasing livestock. This raises a lot of interesting questions for the students including how to lawfully go about protesting a law, which is quite interesting to hear their conversations about it because they would never be in the position of William but they apply the story to their lives, which was fascinating. Ms. J really fosters the love of reading in her class, which I have really loved to
I would like to live forever. After reading the book Tuck Everlasting by Natalie Babbitt and the article Should we live forever? by Justin O’Neill, I think that there would be many advantages to eternal life. If I could live forever I would be able to accomplish many, many things, be immune to injury, and see cities grow from small towns to large cities . These reasons all contribute to why I would want to live forever.
Rationale: Having a conversation about the vocabulary word while verbally pairing that word with pictures will help create a concrete definition, which will promote vocabulary learning.
Move. This is what humans do each day with their minds, bodies, and spirits. As long as someone is alive, the clock continues, and each moment partners with that second in time. In Tuck Everlasting, the concept of living is challenged. Tuck compares the natural world with the human species. No matter what occurs, and no matter what obstacles arise, the actual timing of life continues. There are no "two minutes together," because each distinct part of an individual's life has its own qualities and memories (pp.404). This piece from Tuck Everlasting and the poem reflect the natural process of life and death, and what is experienced during those stages of life. We as humans constantly question what is the next step, and often times, we face the
3. Exhilarate Synonym: animate, inspirit, elate Definition: to enliven; invigorate; stimulate 4. Inclement Synonym: brutal Definition: not kind or merciful 5. Muse Synonym: cogitate Definition: to think or meditate in silence, as on some subject. 6.
The first material I used was news TV programme, which was mostly targeted on vocabulary. I watched “News at 7:30” broadcasted on TVB Pearl around three times a week. When I encountered some vocabularies displayed in the subtitle that I am not familiar with, I immediately jotted them