
Using SEI Strategies In A SIOP Lesson Plan

Satisfactory Essays

Using SEI Strategies in a SIOP Lesson Plan 1

This lesson should be taught in a 1st grade class. The students in this class does not have to be English Language Learners, (ELL) for them to benefit from this lesson or to meet state standards. This lesson is a interactive way for the students to learn about the dragonfly and the different things about the dragonfly. The lesson will first be introduced by reading the book
“Are you a Dragonfly?” by Judy Allen. Then after we read the story we will go over the rules vocabulary words we will discuss the definition of each of the words to make sure …show more content…

Another good way to gain knowledge about the dragonflies is through reading the book called “Are you a Dragonfly?” by Judy Allen. Through reading the student can expand their vocabulary and a better meaning of the words. By reading the book it not only helps them with their vocabulary word but it also give them information about the dragonflies. The assessment method that I chose was to ask the students questions about what they have learned about the dragonfly. I also feel that another good way is the have them share what they have learned with their fellow classmates. Lastly reviewing the chart that we did together as a class will also reinforce what they have learned and will give the teacher an insight of what they have learned. We as teachers needs to make sure that we include comprehensible input. This is important because it makes sure that the students complete the assignment and understand what they have learned. In order to make sure that this is done we may need to offer them the materials for this lesson in their native language that they can use in class and take home to review with

Using SEI Strategies in a SIOP Lesson Plan 3


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