
Trump Federalism

Satisfactory Essays

Kirsten Dooley
Unit 1 Current Event

Presidential nominee Donald Trump has recently released a new education proposal that will give poor and minority students a school choice. Portability is this kind of funding for education, in where parents can choose whether their child attends a public, private, or charter school regardless of their income. He visited a inner-city charter school on Thursday in Cleveland, in an attempt to gain minority votes. Trump stated,“If we can put a man on the moon, dig out the Panama Canal and win two world wars, then I have no doubt that we as a nation can provide school choice to every disadvantaged child in America.” Trump’s recent outreach to gain minorities is actually being called by critics an attempt …show more content…

When presidential nominees know they are not highly favored, they will come up with appealing policies and change their stances on issues in order to gain support, as here with Donald Trump. If Trump is elected, he would be using fiscal federalism, which is where the government uses money, taxing, and grants, often as a manipulator. The type of grant that Trump said he would use is a block grant, which is a chunk of money given to states and they have more discretion over where the money is to be used. However, where in the federal budget this $20 billion will come from has not be said by Donald Trump. Is is a normalcy in the presidential elections that the nominees stand for issues within their party, and on the issue of education, portability is a big idea that many Republicans support. However, the problem lies in with giving states the free choice to fund any private or charter school. Many say that this will drain money from public schools, and since some of these schools are religion-based, many taxpayers will reject the idea of their money going to these schools when the Constitution says in the first amendment that there is freedom of religion and nobody should have to fund a school of a religion in which they do not believe in or practice. This being said, it is highly unlikely that this policy will ever become the law, and this is part of the problem with U.S. politics. Many uneducated voters will vote based on things that nominees have promised, even if they do not know the unlikelihood of these promised being kept. Regardless, this policy would be an excellent example of federalism because the national government would be sharing the power with the states over the field of education. Federalism is the way a government shares the power between 2 or more

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