
New Issue Of New Federalism

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New Federalism is known as commitment to returning powers to the state governments. Proposed by President Ronald Reagan, who believed federal grants were just a scandal of imposing the federal interests on the states. Reagan believed that federal government would allow a more efficient government within the states and the nation. This reminded America of the main point now of the 10th amendment that because the states are created under the the federal government, it should work for the states, and not be overpowered. New Federalism is also known as Competitive Federalism due consent struggle of the national and local government trying to be “equal.” Many states liked the idea of New Federalism because new grants were given to states with less restrictions and states and they were given a choice on how to spend these grants. With this concept, many laws were made in order to enforce this New Federalism: the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 disallowed Congress from passing federal programs or services without consulting states on how they would be funded. The Devolution Revolution in 1994, a movement led by former House Representative, Newt Gingrich, and by republicans who desired to scale back the federal government though campaigning. Overall with this time period, including now, we see how Ronald Reagan wanted to cease national government power through the Supreme Court and appointed justices in the 1980s that would be dedicated to returning power to the states. This

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