
Trojan War Research Paper

Decent Essays

Trojan War

By Ryan Kraft

My question and thesis.
Why did the Trojan War start?

The that trojan war was a frivolous ten year war that took lives of too many people on each side.

Trojan war mythology.
The Trojan War had mythology in it so none of it is actually history but it has history in it. There was a war but the greeks thought that they needed to make a sacrifice to the god of the wind to cross the sea to get to troy.

How it started.
The war started after Paris, the king of troy, kidnapped the Spartan Queen Helen.
King of Sparta king Menelaus was furious and asked his brother to help lead a retrieval mission. There where many greek heroes that joined Agamemnon
,Menelaus brother, two of them were Achilles and Odysseus. …show more content…

The greeks believed that to cross the sea they needed to make a sacrifice to the gods so they made a sacrifice people are already dying. The achaeans saw a snake slither down from the altar, where they made the sacrifice, into a bird nest and eat the mother and 9 babies before it turned to stone, this ment troy would be defeated after 10 years of battle.

When the greeks got to troy.
When the greeks first got to troy Hector Paris’s brother saw the greek arriving at troy he said that paris should just go fight Menelaus because the conflict was between them so the two armies called a truce to let the two men fight. But while they were fighting one of the trojan archer shoot an arrow at Menelaus and that ended the truce. And started a ten year war.

What happened next.
There was a lot of fighting until eventually paris and achilles were killed but the greeks still could not get past troy's massive walls. The greeks were ready to give up and just go home, but then one of the smartest greek heroes odysseus had an idea. Odysseus idea.
Odysseus idea was to build a giant hollow horse. After the horse was built the greeks picked there best warriors to hide in the horse. They rolled it up to troy

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