
Triune Creator Purposeful Creation

Decent Essays

Evolution and the Triune Creator’s Purposeful Creation

The Contemporary Understanding of Self-Organization, Evolution, and Neo-Darwinian Synthesis According to contemporary natural sciences, the chronology of our universe briefly goes like what follows: 1) the Big Bang event began roughly 13.7 billion years ago; 2) the formation of the Earth was completed about 4.5 billion years ago, and the congealment of the earth’s crust took place about 3.8 billion years ago; 3) the first life appeared on the earth about 4 billion years ago; 4) the dinosaur roamed around the face of our planet from 180 million to 63 million years ago; 5) homo erectus the proto-human thrived between 600,000 and 350,000 years ago; 6) homo sapiens appeared about …show more content…

This means that in the history of the Earth, dissipative systems played a key role in the emergence of living organisms. In the increase of complexity, organisms became able to receive and respond to the information from their environment more effectively by developing sentience, and they could survive longer. In increasing survivability, organisms also generally become larger and energetically intensive. As Arthur Peacocke points out, while a dissipative system’s thermodynamic fluctuations at the micro-level are probabilistic and unpredictable, they are still not isolable from the whole corpus of physico-chemical theories that govern the macro-level of the environment. In other words, random mutations in the DNA can affect the ability of an organism to procreate itself. Yet ultimately, in the environment, the persistence of novel organisms is subject to the law of natural selection that constrains their survivability in extended …show more content…

Natural selection is “directed to the goal of increasing reproductive efficiency.” Yet natural selection itself “does not properly claim that more complex organisms will be favoured,” but rather tells us the survival of the fittest. This means that at times, surviving species could be more persistent, while remaining less developed in terms of

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