
How To Stop School Shootings

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In 1994, two hundred million people own a gun privately, but today its between two hundred seventy and three hundred million people own guns. There have been more than ten firearms deaths per 100,000 people a year. "In 90% of gun crimes, the firearms has changed at least once since the original sale" (Bennet, 3). The topic of gun control can prevent school shootings have a history to consider, and there will always be both supporters and critics who continue to debate this topic.
In the article Gun Control Laws, it states "A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." (1). This may involve carrying a permit, or just simply registering the weapon. …show more content…

Even though mass public shootings have increased in 2012. The Federal Bureau of Investigation has shown that the total homicide rate has fallen by more than half since 1980. "While it is true that the number of victims killed and wounded in mass public shootings was greater in 2012 than in any previous year, there does not appear to be any discernible upward trend in the number of mass shooting incidents. According to Duwe's estimates, 32 mass shootings occurred in the 1980s, 42 in the 1990s, and 26 in the 2000s. Further, while the rate of random mass shootings in the United States has increased over the past 30 years, according to the FBI [Federal Bureau of Investigation], the total U.S. homicide rate has fallen by over half since 1980, and the gun homicide rate has fallen along with it" (Malcolm, 5). This all falls into the use of guns. Gary Kleck, who is a professor of criminology, found the number of defensive gun use may be from 2.1 million to 2.5 million times a year. "Professor of criminology Gary Kleck of Florida State University found that the number of defensive gun uses may be as high as 2.1 million to 2.5 million times per year" (Malcolm and Marshall, 6). Having weapons in kids' faces at a young age isn't the right solution. " 'When it comes to dealing with the culture of violence in this country and general concerns over allowing our children to become overly desensitized, having them start from kindergarten and go all the way through high school with military weapons in their face is not the way to go' (Abubato, 1). Children see violence every day, it's just hidden. Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey, was saying that kids can see violence anywhere. You may not see it because it is in tv, movies, and in video games. "'And that includes discussing gun control laws, mental health counseling, substance abuse counseling, and violence in the media ... both in television and

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