
Tristan Jones Case Study

Satisfactory Essays

Tristan Jones is a 3 year, 0-month boy referred to occupational therapy by his family and physician for major developmental delays. He was born with spina bifida, Chiari malformation, and hydrocephalus. His past medical history includes the implantation of a gastric feeding tube via Nissen fundoplication, a back repair, placement of a ventriculoperitoneal shunt, removal of a large cyst on his spinal column, titanium rods in his skull, suboccipital craniectomy, C1 – C5 laminectomy, occipital-cervical fusion, and most recently a corrective eye surgery for strabismus. He currently wears ankle-foot orthotics and uses a posterior walker for balance and gait. He is prescribed oxybutynin for urinary incontinence and senexon as a stool softener.

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