
Tribe Mentality Research Paper

Satisfactory Essays

In the world of fitness many are used to only focusing their time in one form of exercise ;however, there has been somewhat a movement in the fitness world where many say it’s not enough. Where people who only do light yoga are now entering powerlifting and vise versa, this has created the question of is this crossing of exercise actually good for the individual when it’s in a group setting to make the person actually want to exercise. The tribe mentality is a good for people who want to stick with their plans, find new outlets for exercise, and make new friend. The tribe mentality is a way for an individual to be able to have a social group to provide support and encouragement to continue with a routine. For many who are trying to make a new routine can be difficult especially in the first few days where mkany get discourage to workout and to keep going. However in a group setting many feel somewhat obliged to keep going or they let down the group, and be labeled the “bad egg” in the basket. Since no one wants to be since in a negative light many try to keep going. In addition, they also have support of other to continue and to be able to keep them on track and steadily introduce them to a new group setting. With the support of other members that have been there longer they can …show more content…

Many discourage new forms of exercise because it can be scary to try something that they have never tried before. Many who get bored easily once they mastered something and want to try their hand at something new. However many of these individuals are older and can find discouragement when seeing someone younger than them being better. However in a group setting many can find comfort with other people to give them tips and tricks as well as learning with others in the some level and

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