
Trends of Social Networking

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The growth of social networking is one of the fastest growing digital trends to exist. Many social networking sites boast with millions if not billions of members. Prominent examples of these social sites are Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Members of these networks use them daily to communicate, share various types of information or to collaborate with other members. Mark Zuckerberg founded Facebook in 2004 and its sole purpose is to give people the power to share and connect with the world. With 1.23 billion monthly active members, Facebook has certainly surpassed all other social sites. To put it in perspective that is roughly one-sixth of the entire world’s population. According to his book, Introduction to Digital Literacy Mark D. …show more content…

Social networking is a phenomenon that makes retrieving information faster and connecting to so much more. According to Cheryl L. Coyle & Heather Vaughn (2008) in their article Social networking: Communication revolution or evolution? suggests that social networking is scrutinized as a “configuration” of people connecting with one another based upon “interpersonal” factors. These sites exist due to people needing to be social butterflies and that the human race is dependent on interactions with others to survive. Furthermore, a researcher discusses that “technology-mediated communication fosters connected presence” and is a direct link to the failing face-to-face connection with peers (pg. 1). My analysis of Social networking: Communication revolution or evolution? by Cheryl L. Coyle & Heather Vaughn (2008) while I must agree that we as humans need some sort of interaction with one another, I would not take it to the extreme of suggesting that survivability depends on it unless of course you are an attention seeker. Some might suggest and only making an assumption older generations might state that technology is playing a major role in the declining face-to-face social interaction. However, I will admit that social networking sites can be a form of entertainment for others where on the contrary it is a true

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