
Trench Warfare In World War One

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World War 1 was not the last world war, but it might be considered the “war to end all wars” because of the number of deaths, the trench warfare, the use of chemical weapons, advances in weaponry and disease. Trench warfare had soldiers fighting hand to hand. This was one of the worst types of fighting. Trench warfare resulted in huge losses of human life for small amounts of land. Life in the trenches was horrendous. They had to sleep next to rats running around and bomb shells going off. They said that sleep was impossible. Along with that fresh food was nonexistent. Then, on top of all of that they went to attack and got greeted with murderous rounds of machine gun fire. A French soldier described it as “the air being unbreathable and living hell with the injured crawling while screaming.” It was a “terrain of death” said a British soldier. …show more content…

110,000 tons of chemical weapons were used. The first type of weapon used in war was chlorine gas. The Germans were the first to introduce the gas. In order for the gas to work they had to wait tens days before the wind was right for them to launch it in. They launched it April 22nd, 1915. It killed everything allowing the Germans a huge gain. This allowed them to be able to be on the border of Ypres within an hour. Then, in September it was Britain’s turn for pay back. During the battle of Loos Britain unleashed their first gas attack. This was one of Britain’s biggest attacks. Throughout the war more than 1 million soldiers were exposed to chemical weapons. Roughly 90,000 died from the horrid

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