
Use Of Chemical Weapons In Chemical Warfare

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The first actual use of a chemical weapon was in August 1914. The French utilized tear-gas grenades during an attack against the Germans. One of the more known use of a chemical weapon was at the Second Battle of Ypres in April 1915. 160 tonnes of chlorine gas was released onto the French and Algerian troops. This could be considered the starting point in chemical warfare as it was the first large scale deployment of a chemical gas meant for harm. As more and more chemical weapons were developed, more and more countries followed the trend.

The use of chlorine gas in trench warfare was first developed by Fritz Haber in 1914 as of help to the German army. At the Second Battle of Ypres, about 6,000 cylinders filled with about 160 tonnes of chlorine gas were opened and the gas made its way over to the French and Algerian lines. At first, the French thought it was a smoke screen and that the Germans were advancing towards them, but they were wrong. It was chlorine gas which would damage their respiratory organs and cause violent choking attacks. Back on the German lines, barely anybody expected this assault to be so successful and were not prepared to advance onto the French and Algerian lines while their troops were amidst panic and fear caused by the chlorine gas. Despite their unpreparedness, the Germans still advanced, but with a lack of self-assurance and confidence. Before this attack, Fritz Haber was not supported very much, but seeing as how

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